P & R Engineering and Construction (Pvt) Ltd
181/190 Sanasuma Place Wilimbula Henegama Weliveriya
0777920316, 0755428537
MoreS S De Silva (Pvt) Ltd
248/1A Moragasmulla Rd Rajagiriya
0112876666, 0115332884, 0112889294, 0112871015
MoreAluminium fabricators offer a variety of uses the metal in for partitioning, ceilings, doors, windows etc. These suppliers undertake small and large scale projects to build customized solutions. Most reputed fabricators will showcase their profiles and completed projects to gain your trust and confidence.
181/190 Sanasuma Place Wilimbula Henegama Weliveriya
0777920316, 0755428537
More248/1A Moragasmulla Rd Rajagiriya
0112876666, 0115332884, 0112889294, 0112871015