Suwa Arana Central Hospital (Pvt) Ltd
No 31 Kurunegala Road Dambulla
0662284884, 0663007300, 0712378673
MoreSuwa Shanthi Private Hospital
No 11 Maithripala Senanayake Mawatha Anuradhapura
0252223636, 0257429265, 0252224917
MoreChanneling a doctor for regular medical advice and treatment is usually made direct via the hospital. That is if you are familiar with the doctor and his schedule at the given hospital. However, these channeling centres can help you get an appointment from their own database of available doctors.
No 31 Kurunegala Road Dambulla
0662284884, 0663007300, 0712378673
MoreNo 11 Maithripala Senanayake Mawatha Anuradhapura
0252223636, 0257429265, 0252224917