Evergreen Plantation (Pvt) Ltd

1 reviews
Evergreen Plantations bordered by the scenic Gin Ganga (River), the Evergreen Sinharaja Rainforest and the Indian Ocean is situated in a naturally conspicuous setting. Being surrounded by nature has made us naturally environment conscious. We understand the important role the environment plays in our lives and are focused on operating the business on a strict environment friendly process that includes converting refuse tea into environmental-friendly fertilizer which nourish and sustains our plantations. We also ensure that the virgin forests in the vicinity of our plantations remain untouched by de-forestation, industrialization and human settlements. Furthermore we have put in to place a sustainable reforestation programme so as to help conserve the environment for further generations

Thalawa Road Horanagalle Thalgaswela

0912296988, 0912296989, 0912296543, 0719705400


Reviews (1 reviews)

Sujith Muthuhetti on 2024-03-03 00:12:42

A good group of company in tea industry

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Evergreen Plantation (Pvt) Ltd

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Thalawa Road Horanagalle Thalgaswela
0912296988, 0912296989, 0912296543, 0719705400